DEF Beginner and intermediate screeners

DEF Beginner Screener
- 10min tread
- 25m underwater crossover
- 25m 10lb brick tow
- Mask retrieval in 12ft

DEF Intermediate Screener
- 10min tread (hands out every other minute)
- 2x 25m underwater crossover in 2min
- 2x 25m 10lb brick tow in 2min
- 2x Mask retrieval in 12ft 2min

The focus of this week’s water confidence. Being able to conduct these movements back to back increases your chance of survivability in the water. This is represented by being able to stay on the surface without support, the ability to hold your breath and move efficiently through the water, ability to add weight/resistance and still move a distance in the water, and the ability to remain calm and relaxed while limiting your vision, breath, and range of motion in the arms.

Always conduct these workouts with a partner. If you don’t have one, always tell the lifeguards what you’re going to do so they can be your buddy. Safety is paramount, and will always come first, have a plan. Buddy system is always in effect.


adapt and overcome


emom 24