adapt and overcome

“Adapt and Overcome”

AMRAP 20 Minutes

5x Gutter ups
1x U-turn
5x Bottom outs
1x Touch Dive
5x Bobs

Adaptive Modifications
Bottom Outs: Swap the out-of-water movement with a gutter up motion
Bobs: Use the wall/gutter to push down
Touch Dive: Swim 12.5m, dive, touch bottom, swim up and back

The focus of this week’s WOD is finding and understanding your limitations, if you need to adapt to modify and/or scale movements until you’re comfortable performing the full movement, do so. Once you found your limit, adapt, adjust, overcome.

Always conduct these workouts with a partner. If you don’t have one, always tell the lifeguards what you’re going to do so they can be your buddy. Safety is paramount, and will always come first, have a plan. Buddy system is always in effect.


water buffalo


DEF Beginner and intermediate screeners