co2 apnea table

CO2 Apnea Table

Breath up: 2:00 min, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 1:45 min, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 1:30 min, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 1:15 min, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 1:00 min, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 0:45 sec, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 0:30 sec, 25m DB Walk
Breath up: 0:15 sec, 25m DB Walk

The focus of this week’s WOD is to enable the body to get used to high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2 tolerance). It does that by decreasing the resting time between fixed breath-hold periods. The duration of breath-hold should not be higher than 50% of your personal best and the table should consist of no more than 8 cycles. This workout was adapted from the free diving community. 🤿

Always conduct these workouts with a partner. If you don’t have one, always tell the lifeguards what you’re going to do so they can be your buddy. Safety is paramount, and will always come first, have a plan. Buddy system is always in effect.


1omin amrap


water buffalo