What It Takes to Be a Present Day Warrior

This is the second post in a two part series. You can read the first part here.

You can also sign-up for the F.R.E.E. Your Mind Course and discover how to become a present day warrior yourself.

We are now living in a world with many seen and unseen enemies where blades, guns, and artillery will not always work as weapons, it takes a different kind of warrior attitude and skills to engage in everyday challenges and battles.

Although the code of conduct of past warriors that integrate honor, courage, loyalty, respect, and compassion is still very much the same, the battlefield is different. Many still believe that joining the military is the only way to show warrior qualities, but this is not the case. Though there will always be active conflicts around the world and warriors will be needed to fight and protect, we need to be warriors in our own lives through a continuous drive to train and be prepared.

Be Prepared

There is a saying, “You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready.” Being prepared for any eventuality is one trait modern-day warriors have. This is the readiness and ability to tackle anything thrown before you. Preparedness is not only being able to physically defend yourself or your loved ones, but it is the capacity to critically analyze, weigh options, and act appropriately at any given moment to solve a problem and succeed. Being prepared can reduce fear and anxiety of the unknown.

“A warrior should strive to always be healthy and fit for their own battles…This is a baseline requirement.”


Physical Preparedness

Having martial arts training or acquiring firearms are only half of being physically prepared. A warrior should strive to always be 100% healthy and fit for their own battles. This means that you, the warrior, should have an exercise and practice regimen to keep muscles strong, agile, and flexible. This also means putting the right nutrients in your body and limiting/restricting toxins that don’t serve your purpose. This is a baseline requirement.

Mental Preparedness

Critical Thinking Skill

Focus is the ability to evaluate the situation, develop different courses of action, and make the best decisions with the information and time you have. Critical thinking helps people better understand the situation, how they respond, and the end state. When you can deduce information to find the key important pieces and apply those to achieving your goal, you can change the situation and mindset to achieve higher performance.


Knowledge is power. Having the required knowledge to apply to a situation can significantly increase the chances of success and allows you to see the important truths. If you’re about to tackle a new problem set, do your homework and learn the material.

Stress Management

There are many ways to manage your levels of stress. One is through relaxation breathing. Surfers, divers, and swimmers have acquired an ability that allows them to relax while in stressful situations. Those who do meditation know that our breathing is one way to go into a state of calmness and peace of mind. Stress management is a key component behind all that we do; being “Calm in the clutch.”


Many warriors are workaholics. They want to succeed in their lives. They do not quit no matter what they are up against, and they know that no one is responsible for them but themselves. This is the reason why warriors are successful in business. They are accountable for every single one of their moves and decisions. They are bold and fearless. This differentiates a warrior from the average person.


The balanced life of a modern-day warrior is achieved through discipline. His or her life is set by high standards of excellence. The warrior pushes himself beyond limits while following a code of discipline. A warrior knows there is no such thing as a shortcut, that success is hard earned, and that it is your own level of discipline that will get you there. There is no room for excuses. This self-imposed discipline propels him or her to succeed.

Spiritual Preparedness

Understanding Your Purpose

Knowing your purpose in life helps you live life with integrity and gives you a goal to drive towards. People who know their purpose in life, know who they are, what they are, and why they are. And when you know yourself, it becomes easier to live a life that’s true to your core values. While your “why” or purpose might not come easily to you, having the end in mind for the right reasons is a great place to start.


Resiliency prevents burn-out. A modern-day warrior has the capacity to handle negative effects of difficulties and the stress that accompanies such situations. He or she can effectively cope with day-to-day stress. This is resiliency, which is a complex process that involves the individuals physical and mental capability and other factors in the environment.

The Unseen Enemy

Much has been said and reported about the COVID19 pandemic. People are now battling not only unseen current-day enemies but also something that is unknown and unpredictable. On one hand, the COVID19 pandemic has shown the rise of more warriors, the medical front liners and other people who are keeping the peace and economy going.

I have resolved to inspire more individuals to become warriors to fight enemies, both seen and unseen. You can be one of those individuals with our F.R.E.E. Your Mind Course or the F.R.E.E. Your Mind Guidebook, available on Amazon. I will share my preparation and strategies to those who are willing to join the present-day warriors.


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