Meet the Team

  • Maria Settanni

    Maria has a deep love for all things mountains and water, and is passionate about helping others. She serves in the Alaska Air National Guard, is a civilian medic, and spends weekends freediving, exploring, and making great food. Living her dream of becoming another wild thing in the Alaskan Frontier, she uses Deep End Fitness to provide a safe and consistent space for growth and enjoyment.

  • Alexis Rusch

    Born to be the water, Ali will find anyway to get in. She started her water journey as a cold water free-diver and then got into scuba and has been with the Alaska Dive Search Rescue and Recovery Team since. During the day she is a public school teacher and in the night she teaches water lessons to the community. DEF is a beautiful blend of her background as a yoga instructor as well as her growing passion for water safety/rescue. Let's have some fun!

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