Deep End Fitness

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Yellow Submarine

Warm Up
⁃ 200 M Swim (Easy Pace)

⁃ 50 M Swim
⁃ 25 M UWC
⁃ 25 M U-Boat

⁃ 100 M Swim
⁃ Figure Eight
⁃ 50 M U-Boat

⁃ 200 M Swim
⁃ 2 Figure Eights
⁃ 50 M U-Boat

⁃ 300 M Swim
⁃ 4 Figure Eights
⁃ 25 M U-Boat

Definition of U-Boat: Facing the direction you’re going, brace your core, keeping your toes are out of the water. You’re going to use your hands, and arms to propel you forward.

Definition of Figure Eight: Designate “halfway” of your pool, swim freestyle to that point, and finish the rest of the way underwater utilizing the keyhole stroke. Once you touch the other side of the wall, do the same thing going back. The full completion of this is 1 Figure Eight.

⁃ Disclaimer:
Always conduct these workouts with a partner. If you don’t have one, always tell the lifeguards what you’re going to do so they can be your buddy. Safety is paramount, and will always come first, have a plan. Buddy system is always in effect.